Opened a blog site but your blog has not been sorted yet. Again you are new to the blog so can't sort. There are many websites for you through which you can easily download the theme and upload that theme to sort your blog. You will also get paid versions of these themes for free. But I will suggest you to buy the paid ones you will get many good features in it. Which you will not get for free. But if you are new, use the free ones. Friguloo but not so bad. Anyway let me show you how to upload a theme to the blog.

Maxima Blogger Themplate ( )

Today I will show you how to sort the site by uploading the Maxima Blogger theme
First download the free version of Maxima Theme

Download Free Virsion Maxima Blogger Theme

Then unzip the file and separate the XML file
Maxima free blogger Template XML File (

Now go to and find the theme menu from the menu bar. and click Theme Option

Theme Restore

Click Dropdown 

Restore Blogger Themplate

Click Restore 
Blogger Theme Upload

Click Upload

Blogger Theme select From Computer

Now select the XML version of Blogger Maxim theme from your computer and upload it

Wait 2-3 Munite this page 
Theme Upload Succesfull

Your theme has been set successfully
In the next tutorial we will see how to customize the team.

Tags, blogger,blogger tutorial,blogger tutorial for beginners,how to start a blog,tutorial,blogger template,how to upload blogger theme,how to upload theme in blogger,how to upload custom theme in blogger,upload blogger template,blogger template designer,blogger (website),how to use blogger tamil tutorial,blogger template 2016,how to upload blogger template,how to install blogger theme,how to customize blogger theme,how to edit blogger theme,blogger template download